Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.
Documents found: 822
Slater K (2020) Calakmul Biodiversity Monitoring Report 2014-2019. Operation Wallacea: Old Bolingbroke, UK.
Download ReportMedina-Van Berkum P, Vulinec K, Crace D, Gallego ZL, Martin TE (2020) Community composition of bats in Cusuco National Park, Honduras, a Mesoamerican cloud forest, including new regional and altitudinal records. Neotropical Naturalist 3: 1-23.
Read MoreO’Connell DP, Kelly DJ, Analuddin K, Karya A, Marples NM, Martin TE (2020) Adapt taxonomy to conservation goals. Science 369 (6508): 1172.
Read MoreHunt CL, Andradi-Brown DA, Hudson CJ, Bennett-Williams J, Noades F, Curtis-Quick J, Lewis OT, Exton DA (2020) Shelter use interactions of invasive lionfish with commercially and ecologically important native invertebrates on Caribbean coral reefs. PLoS One 15(8): e0236200
Read MoreJunker J, Petrovan SO, Arroyo-RodrÍguez V, Boonratana R, Byler D, Chapman CA, Chetry D, Cheyne SM, Cornejo FM, Cortes-Ortiz L, Cowlishaw G, Christie AP, Crockford C, De La Torre S, De Melo FR, Fan P, Grueter CC, Guzman-Caro DC, Heymann EW, Herbinger I, Hoang MD, Horwich RH, Humle T, Ikemeh RA, Imong IS, Jerusalinsky L, Johnson SE, Kappeler PM, Kierulff MCM, Kone I, Kormos R, Le KQ, Li B, Marshall AJ, Meijaard E, Mittermeier RA, Muroyama Y, Neugebauer E, Orth L, Palacios E, Papworth SK, Plumptre AJ, Rawson BM, Refisch J, Ratsimbazafy J, Roos C, Setchell JM, Smith RK, Sop T, Schwitzer C, Slater K, Strum SC, Sutherland WJ, Talebi M, Wallis J, Wich S, Williamson EA, Wittig RM, Kuhl HS (2020) A severe lack of evidence limits effective conservation of the Worlds primates. BioScience biaa082
Read MoreBodmer R, Mayor P, Antunez M, Fang T, Chota K, Yuyarima TA, Flores S, Cosgrove B, López N, Pizuri O, Puertas P (2020) Wild Meat Species, Climate Change, and Indigenous Amazonians. Journal of Ethnobiology 40: 218-233.
Read MoreHenderson A (2020) A revision of Calamus (Arecaceae, Calamoideae, Calameae, Calaminae). Phytotaxa 445: 2-656.
Read MoreBrown T, Barazowski M, Lonsdale G (2020) Defensive Tail-curling and Head-mimicking Behavior in a Variable Coralsnake, Micrurus diastema (Squamata: Elapidae) in Cusuco National Park, Honduras. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 27: 231-232.
Read MoreSasso T, Cox C, Gilroy D (2020) Social Behavior in Nototriton brodiei in the Cloud Forest of Cusuco National Park, Honduras. South American Journal of Herpetology, 17: 29-32.
Read MoreMacNeil MA, Chapman DD, Heupel M, Simpfendorfer CA, Heithaus M, Meekan M, Harvey E, Goetze J, Kiszka J, Bond ME, Currey-Randall LM, Speed CW, Sherman CS, Rees MJ, Udyawer V, Flowers KI, Clementi G, Valentin-Albanese J, Gorham T, Adam MS, Ali K, Pina-Amargós F, Angulo-Valdés JA, Asher J, Barcia LG, Beaufort O, Benjamin C, Bernard ATF, Berumen ML, Bierwagen S, Bonnema E, Bown RMK, Bradley D, Brooks E, Brown JJ, Buddo D, Burke P, Cáceres C, Cardeñosa D, Carrier JC, Caselle JE, Charloo V, Claverie T, Clua E, Cochran JEM, Cook N, Cramp J, D’Alberto B, de Graaf M, Dornhege M, Estep A, Fanovich L, Farabough NF, Fernando D, Flam AL, Floros C, Fourqurean V, Garla R, Gastrich K, George L, Graham R, Guttridge T, Hardenstine RS, Heck S, Henderson AC, Hertler H, Hueter R, Johnson M, Jupiter S, Kasana D, Kessel ST, Kiilu B, Kirata T, Kuguru B, Kyne F, Langlois T, Lédée EJI, Lindfield S, Luna-Acosta A, Maggs J, Manjaji-Matsumoto BM, Marshall A, Matich P, McCombs E, McLean D, Meggs L, Moore S, Mukherji S, Murray R, Kaimuddin M, Newman SJ, Nogués J, Obota C, O’Shea O, Osuka K, Papastamatiou YP, Perera N, Peterson B, Ponzo A, Prasetyo A, Quamar LMS, Quinlan J, Ruiz-Abierno A, Sala E, Samoilys M, Schärer-Umpierre M, Schlaff A, Simpson N, Smith ANH, Sparks L, Tanna A, Torres R, Travers MJ, Bergmann MZ, Vigliola L, Ward J, Watts AM, Wen C, Whitman E, Wirsing AJ, Wothke A, Zarza-Gonzâlez E, Cinner JE (2020) Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks. Nature. DOI 10.1038/s41586-020-2519-y.
Read MoreÓ Marcaigh F, Raveloson BA, Rakotomanga G, Ratianarivo AN, Baddams J, Rasamison S, Neaves J, Long P, Martin TE (2020) The avifauna of Ankobohobo Wetland, a neglected Important Bird Area in northwestern Madagascar. Scopus – Journal of East African Ornithology 40: 18-28.
Read MoreHama FL, Karaica D, Karaica B, Rodic P, Jelic K, Mahecic I, Jelic D (2020) Sea turtle strandings, sightings and accidental catch along the Croatian Adriatic coast. Mediterranean Marine Science 21: 452-459.
Read MoreAndino-Madrid AJ, Colindres JEM, Perez-Consuegra SG, Matson JO (2020) A new species of long-tailed shrew of the genus Sorex (Eulipotyphla: Soricidae) from Sierra de Omoa, Honduras. Zootaxa 4809 56-70.
Read MoreChell C, Corral ME, Grant I, Laskai CJ, Gough H, Rakotomalala SD, Ward SJ, Thompson C (2020) A brief observation of Endangered Coquerel’s Sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) feeding on Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata) vegetation in a mangrove environment, northwest Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology. Early view version.
Read MoreBrown TW (2020) Salamander using its prehensile tail – Bolitoglossa cf. nympha (Plethodontidae; sub-genus Nanotriton), Honduras. The Herpetological Bulletin 152: 36-37.
Read MoreO’Connell DP, Kelly DJ, Kelly SBA, Analuddin K, Karya A, Marples NM, Rheindt FE & Martin TE (2020) An assessment of the avifauna of the Wakatobi Islands, South-east Sulawesi, Indonesia: species recorded and taxonomic considerations. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68: 574-587.
Read MoreMangini G, Thomas O (2020) Observations on foraging behaviour of Rufous-headed Woodpecker Celeus spectabilis in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Cotinga 42: 73-76.
Read MoreHoskins HMJ, McCann NP, Jocque M, Reid N (2020) Rapid defaunation of terrestrial mammals in a protected Neotropical cloud forest remnant. Journal for Nature Conservation 56: 125861
Read MoreOakley J, Theodorou A, Ardojaan A, Vallocchia S (2020) Spilotes pullatus (Tiger Ratsnake). Predation. Herpetological Review 51(2): 360.
Read MoreNahuat-Cervera PE, Wallis KR, Barao-Nobrega JAL (2020) Tropidodipsas fasciata (Banded Snail-sucker). Predation. Herpetological Review 51(2): 363.
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