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Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.

Documents found: 822

2021 Publication: Differential habitat use by sympatric species of mouse lemurs across a mangrove-dry forest habitat gradient
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Mammals, Primates & Spatial Ecology
Location: Madagascar

Wuesthoff EF, Fuller TK, Sutherland C, Kamilar JM, Ramanankirahina R, Rakotondravony R, Rouse S, Radspiel U (2021) Differential habitat use by sympatric species of mouse lemurs across a mangrove-dry forest habitat gradient. Journal of Mammalogy 1-13

2021 Publication: Evolution in the understorey: the Sulawesi Babbler Pellorneum celebense (Passeriformes: Pellorneidae) has diverged rapidly on land-bridge islands in the Wallacean biodiversity hotspot
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial & Birds
Location: Indonesia

Marcaigh FO, Kelly DJ, O’Connell DP, Dunleavy D, Clark A, Lawless N, Karya A, Analuddin K, Marples NM (2021) Evolution in the understorey: the Sulawesi Babbler Pellorneum celebense (Passeriformes: Pellorneidae) has diverged rapidly on land-bridge islands in the Wallacean biodiversity hotspot. Zoologischer Anzeiger 293: 314-325

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2021 Publication: Pioneering a fungal inventory at Cusuco National Park, Honduras
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial
Location: Honduras

Haelewaters D, Schoutteten N, Medina-Van Berkum P, Martin TE, Verbeken A, Aime MC (2021) Pioneering a fungal inventory at Cusuco National Park, Honduras. Journal of Mesoamerican Biology: Special Issue on Biodiversity of the Cordillera del Merendon 1(1): 111-131

2021 Publication: Applying species distribution models to identify areas of high conservation value for terrestrial mammals: a case study in Cusuco National Park, Honduras
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial & Mammals
Location: Honduras

Hoskins HMJ, Burdekin OJ, McCann NP, Jocque M, Reid N (2021) Applying species distribution models to identify areas of high conservation value for terrestrial mammals: a case study in Cusuco National Park, Honduras. Journal of Mesoamerican Biology: Special Issue on Biodiversity of the Cordillera del Merendon 1(1): 89-110

2021 Publication: Ecnomiohyla salvaje Hylidae (Wilson, McCranie & Williams 1985) in Cusuco National Park, Honduras: morphological descriptions of adults and metamorphs with notes on ecology, natural history, and the conservation implications of amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd)
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial & Herpetofauna
Location: Honduras

Thorp C, Phipps CD, Lonsdale G, Arrivillaga C, Brown TW, Snyder A (2021) Ecnomiohyla salvaje Hylidae (Wilson, McCranie & Williams 1985) in Cusuco National Park, Honduras: morphological descriptions of adults and metamorphs with notes on ecology, natural history, and the conservation implications of amphibian chytrid fungus (Bd). Journal of Mesoamerican Biology: Special Issue on Biodiversity of the Cordillera del Merendon 1(1): 70-88

2021 Publication: Bat assemblages and their ectoparasites in a Honduran cloud forest: effects of disturbance and altitude
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Bats, Community Ecology & Spatial Ecology
Location: Honduras

Medina-Van Berkum P, Haelewaters D, Thompson JRE, Uribe E, Vulinec K, Martin TE (2021) Bat assemblages and their ectoparasites in a Honduran cloud forest: effects of disturbance and altitude. Journal of Mesoamerican Biology: Special Issue on Biodiversity of the Cordillera del Merendon 1(1): 51-69

2021 Publication: A review of the ecological value of Cusuco National Park: an urgent call for conservation action in a highly threatened Mesoamerican cloud forest
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial & Conservation Management
Location: Honduras

Martin TE, Jones SEI, Creedy TJ, Hoskins HMJ, McCann NP, Batke SP, Kelly DL, Kolby JE, Downing R, Zelaya SMS, Green SEW, Lonsdale G, Brown T, Waters S, Rodriguez-Vasquez F, McCravy KW, D’Souza ML, Crace D, Nunez-Mino JM, Haelewaters D, Medina-Van Berkum P, Phipps CD, Barker RJ, Castaneda F, Reid N, Jocque M (2021) A review of the ecological value of Cusuco National Park: an urgent call for conservation action in a highly threatened Mesoamerican cloud forest. Journal of Mesoamerican Biology: Special Issue on Biodiversity of the Cordillera del Merendon 1(1): 6-50

2021 Publication: New species records from Buton Island, South East Sulawesi, including regional range extensions
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial & Bats

Donnelly M, Martin TE, Cropper O, Yusti E, Arfian A, Smethurst R, Fox C, Pryde M, Hafirun, Phangurha J, van der Aar RN, Hutchison A, Karya A, Analuddin K, Samsudin, Courtney-Jones SK (2021) New species records from Buton Island, South East Sulawesi, including regional range extensions. Journal of Bat Research and Conservation 14(1): 14-32

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2021 Publication: Opportunistic predation events of bats entangled in mist nets by margay Leopardus wiedii (Schinz, 1821) in northwest Honduras: recommendations to avoid prevantable casualties
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial & Bats
Location: Honduras

Gallego ZL, Berkum PM, Martin TE (2021) Opportunistic predation events of bats entangled in mist nets by margay Leopardus wiedii (Schinz, 1821) in northwest Honduras: recommendations to avoid prevantable casualties. Bat Research and Conservation 14(1): 34-37

2021 Publication: Observations of sea anemones (Hexacorallia: Actiniaria) overgrowing black corals (Hexacorallia: Antipatharia)
Year: 2021
Interest: Marine, Dive Projects, Invertebrates & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Gress E, Kaimuddin M (2021) Observations of sea anemones (Hexacorallia: Actiniaria) overgrowing black corals (Hexacorallia: Antipatharia). Marine Biodiversity

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2021 Publication: The ecological importance of habitat complexity to the Caribbean coral reef herbivore Diadema antillarum: three lines of evidence
Year: 2021
Interest: Marine, Behaviour, Conservation Management, Dive Projects, Experimental Biology, Invertebrates & Marine Ecology
Location: Honduras

Bodmer MDV, Wheeler PM, Anand P, Cameron SE, Hintikka S, Cai W, Borcsok AO, Exton DA (2021) The ecological importance of habitat complexity to the Caribbean coral reef herbivore Diadema antillarum: three lines of evidence. Scientific Reports 11: 9382

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2021 Publication: Ecological Correlates of Elevational Range Shifts in Tropical Birds
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Birds & Community Ecology
Location: Honduras

Neate-Clegg MHC, Jones SEI, Tobias JA, Newmark WD, Şekercioǧlu CA (2021) Ecological Correlates of Elevational Range Shifts in Tropical Birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 621749.

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2021 Publication: Sleeping site fidelity in three neotropical species of herpetofauna
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour & Herpetofauna
Location: Ecuador

Thomas O, Mangini G, Gualinga J (2021) Sleeping site fidelity in three neotropical species of herpetofauna. Herpetological Bulletin 155, 8-11

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2021 Publication: Identifying the drivers of spatial taxonomic and functional beta-diversity of British breeding birds
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Birds, Community Ecology & Spatial Ecology
Location: United Kingdom

Wayman JP, Sadler J, Pugh TAM, Martin TE, Tobias JA, Matthews TJ (2021) Identifying the drivers of spatial taxonomic and functional beta-diversity of British breeding birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 620062

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2021 Publication: Triprion petasatus (Yucatecan Casque-headed Treefrog). Defensive Behaviour.
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour & Herpetofauna
Location: Mexico

Oakley J, Theodorou A (2021) Triprion petasatus (Yucatecan Casque-headed Treefrog). Defensive Behaviour. Herpetological Review 51(1) 123-124.

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2021 Publication: Coniophanes bipunctatus (Two-spotted Snake). Diet.
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour & Herpetofauna
Location: Mexico

Nahuat-Cervera PE, Barao-Nobrega JAL (2021) Coniophanes bipunctatus (Two-spotted Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 52 (1) 151.

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2021 Publication: Scaphiodontophis annulatus (Guatemalan Neckband Snake). Diet
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour & Herpetofauna
Location: Mexico

Garcia B, Nahuat-Cervera PE, Baraoa-Nobrega JAL (2021) Scaphiodontophis annulatus (Guatemalan Neckband Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 52(1) 170.

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2021 Publication: Leptodeira frenata (Rainforest Cat-eyed Snake). Diet.
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour & Herpetofauna
Location: Mexico

Avella I, Jenner O, Barao-Nobrega JAL (2021) Leptodeira frenata (Rainforest Cat-eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 52 (1) 162-163.

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2021 Publication: Forest patch characteristics affect reptile occurrence in north‐western Madagascar
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Community Ecology & Herpetofauna
Location: Madagascar

Evans AM, Marshal JP, Alexander GJ (2021) Forest patch characteristics affect reptile occurrence in north‐western Madagascar. Austral Ecology. Early View Version

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2021 Publication: Distribution of the critically endangered Coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) across a fragmented landscape in NW Madagascar
Year: 2021
Interest: Terrestrial, Community Ecology, Mammals & Primates
Location: Madagascar

Ramilison ML, Andriatsitohaina B, Chell C, Rakotondravony R, Radespiel U, Ramsay MS (2021) Distribution of the critically endangered Coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) across a fragmented landscape in NW Madagascar. African Journal of Ecology. Early view version.

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