Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.
Documents found: 822
Srivastava DS, MacDonald AM, Pillar VD, Kratina P, Debastiani VJ, Guzman LM, Trzcinski MK, Dezerald O, Barberis IM, de Omena PM, Romero GQ, Ospina-Bautista F, Marino NAC, Leroy C, Farjalla VF, Richardson BA, Goncalves AZ, Corbara B, Petermann JS, Richardson MJ, Melnychuk MC, Jocque M, Ngai JT, Talaga S, Piccoli GCO, Montero G, Kirby KR, Starzomski BM, Cereghino R (2022) Geographical variation in the trait-based assembly patterns of multitrophic invertebrate communities. Functional Ecology
Read MoreHurtado RAR, Anleu RG, Vetorazzi MG, Pinzon KS, Slater K, Nobrega JB, Contreras F, Saint Martin GM, Panti DS, Martinez W, Cal R, Ponce G (2022) Aguadas de la Selva Maya: Santuarios de vida silvestre que unen esfuerzos de conservación internacional. Biologia y Quimica 84
Read MoreFairbairn A, Thornhill I, Martin TE, Hayward R, Ive R, Hammond J, Newman S, Pollard P, Palmer CA (2022) The short-term impacts of Hurricane Maria on the forest birds of Dominica. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 35: 70-82
Read MoreTeixeira H,van Elst T,Ramsay MS, Rakotondravony R, Salmona J, Yoder AD, Radespiel U (2022) RADseq Data Suggest Occasional Hybridization between Microcebus murinus and M. ravelobensis in Northwestern Madagascar. Genes 13: 913.
Read MoreMitchell SL, Edwards DP, Martin RW, Deere NJ, Voigt M, Kastanya A, Karya A, Akbar PG, Jordan K, Tasirin J, Zakaria Z, Martin T, Supriatna J, Winarni N, Davies ZG, Struebig MJ. 2022. Severity of deforestation mediates biotic homogenisation in an island archipelago. Ecography. Early view version.
Read MoreMartin TE, Bennett GC, Fairbairn A, Mooers AO (2022) ‘Lost’ taxa and their conservation implications. Animal Conservation. Early view version.
Read MoreTitus BM, Daly M (2022) Population genomics for symbiotic anthozoans: can reduced representation approaches be used for taxa without reference genomes? Heredity. Early view version: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41437-022-00531-3
Read MoreBélanger A, Wright AJ, Gomez C, Shutt JD, Chota K, Bodmer R (2022) River dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis) in the Peruvian Amazon: habitat preferences and feeding behavior. Latin American Journal of Marine Mammals 17. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5597/lajam00268
Read MoreMallon J, Banaszak AT, Donachie L, Exton DA, Cyronak T, Balke T, Bass AM (2022). A low-cost benthic incubation chamber for in-situ community metabolism measurements. PeerJ 10: e13116
Read MoreTanalgo KC, Tabora JAG, de Oliveira HFM et al. (2022) DarkCideS 1.0, a global database for bats in karsts and caves. Scientific Data 9, 155.
Read MoreCazabonne J, Bartrop L, Dierickx G, Gafforov Y, Hofmann TA, Martin TE, Piepenbring M, Rivas-Ferreiro M & Haelewaters D (2022) Molecular-based diversity studies and field surveys are not mutually exclusive: On the importance of integrated methodologies in mycological research. Frontiers in Fungal Biology 3: 860777
Read MoreGörföl T, Huang JC, Csorba G, Győrössy D, Estók P, Kingston T, Szabadi KL, McArthur E, Senawi J, Furey NM, Tu VT, Thong VD, Khan FAA, Jinggong ER, Donnelly M, Kumaran JV, Liu J, Chen S, Tuanmu M, Ho Y, Chang H, Elias N, Abdullah N, Lim L, Squire CD, Zsebők S. 2022. ChiroVox: a public library of bat calls. PeerJ 10:e12445
Read MoreLemos Barão-Nóbrega JA, González-Jaurégui M, Jehle R. 2022. N-mixture models provide informative crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) abundance estimates in dynamic environments. PeerJ 10:e12906
Read MorePett BL & Rabemananjara PB (2022) A new species of Copa (Araneae: Corinnidae: Castianeirinae) from dry forests in the north west of Madagascar. Zootaxa 5115: 281-287.
Read MoreTobias JA, Sheard C, Pigot AL, Devenish AJM, Yang J et al. (2022) AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds. Ecology Letters 25: 581-597.
Read MoreHughes M, Thomas O, Suvorova A, Saunders T, Krajnović M, Jelić D, Martin TE, Haelewaters D (2021) The skynet, a new method to capture bats over water. Journal of Bat Research and Conservation 14, 215-221.
Read MoreZainuddin M, Jompa J, Yusuf S, Samawi MF, Werolilangi S. 2022. Eco-physiological study of Porites Lutea in marginal coral reef habitat. Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan Spermonde 7: 12-20.
Read MoreLembrechts JJ, van den Hoogen J, Aalto J, et al. 2022. Global maps of soil temperature. Global Change Biology. Early view version. DOI https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16060
Read MoreMallon J, Cyronak T, Hall ER, Banaszak AT, Exton DA, Bass AM (2022) Light-driven dynamics between calcification and production in functionally diverse coral reef calcifiers. Limnology and Oceanography 67: 434-449
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