Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.
Documents found: 822
Vazquez-Garcia JA, Kelly DL, Mejia-Valdivieso DA, Morales W, Dahua-Machoa A, Vega-Rodriguez H, Ortega Pena AS, Padilla-Lepe J, Muniz MA (2022) Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) in Honduras: a synopsis with six new taxa. Phytotaxa 570: 109-149.
Read MoreNavarro-Martínez ZM, de la Guardia E, Szelistowski WA, Angulo-Valdés JA (2023) Habitats diversity and MPA regulations are insufficient in promoting healthy coral reef fish assemblages in Punta Francés National Park (Cuba). Regional Studies in Marine Science, 60: 102826.
Read MoreSimpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR, Heupel MR et al. (2023) Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays. Science 380, 1155-1160.
Read MoreMortimer CL, Bury S, Dunn MR, Haris A, Jompa J, Bell JJ (2023) Transitions from coral to sponge-dominated states alter trophodynamics in associated coral reef fish assemblages. Anthropocene 43: 100392.
Read MoreOakley, J.L. & Núñez-Robles, D. (2023) Attempted Cannibalism in the Black-striped Snake (Coniophanes imperialis) in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. ICRF Reptiles and Amphibians, 30: e18991.
Read MoreBailey LR, Bool I, Muhtianda IA, Akbar PG, Karya A, Analuddin K, Courtney Jones SK. 2023. Notes on an interspecific interaction between distant taxa: Observation of active cohabitation and communal nesting resources between Gehyra mutilata (Wiegmann, 1834) and two vespid wasp species. Austral Ecology, 48, 822-832.
Read MoreBoon JS, Keith SA, Exton DA, Field R (2023) The role of refuges in biological invasions: A systematic review. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Read MoreMcCloskey KP, Radford AN, Rose A, Casiraghi G, Lubbock N, Weschke E, Titus BM, Exton DA, Simpson SD (2023) SCUBA noise alters community structure and cooperation at Pederson’s cleaner shrimp cleaning stations. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1058414
Read MoreMatthews TJ, Wayman JP, Whittaker RJ, Cardoso P, Hume JP, Sayol F, Proios K, Martin TE, Baiser B, Borges PAV, Kubota Y, dos Anjos L, Tobias JA, Soares FC, Si X, Ding P, Mendenhall CD, Sin YCK, Rheindt FR, Triantis KA, Guilhaumon F, Watson DM, Brotons L, Battisti C, Chu O, Rigal F (2023) A global analysis of avian island diversity-area relationships in the Anthropocene. Ecology Letters
Read MoreJoseph L. Oakley, Daniel Núñez-Robles, and Steven Blaine: Cannibalism in the Yucatecan Casquehead Treefrog (Triprion petasatus) in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. 30: e18646
Read MoreSheppard CE, Williams GJ, Exton DA, Keith SA (2023) Co-occurrence of herbivorous fish functional groups correlates with enhanced coral reef benthic state. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Read MoreGarai ME, Boult VL, Zitzer HR (2023) Identifying the effects of socia disruption through translocation on African elephants (Loxodonta africana), with specifics on the social and ecological impacts of orphaning. Animals 13(3): 483
Read MoreFrank Almeda & Ricardo Pacifico: A new Miconia (Melastomataceae) from Cusuco National Park, Honduras. Phytotaxa 578(2): 199-206
Barão-Nóbrega JAL, Nahuat-Cervera PE, Avella I, Capehart G, Garcia B, Oakley J, Theodorou A, Slater KY (2022). Herpetological diversity in Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico: species list with new distribution notes. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad.
Read MoreMarcaigh FO, Kelly DJ, O’Connell DP, Analuddin K, Karya A, Mccloughan J, Tolan E, Lawless N, Marples NM (2022) Small islands and large biogeographic barriers have driven contrasting speciation patterns in Indo-Pacific sunbirds (Aves: Nectariniidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Read MoreIrham M, Prawiradilaga DM, Menner JK, O’Connell DP, Kelly DJ, Analuddin K, Karya A, Meads M, Marples NM, Rheindt FE (2022) A distinct new species of Zosterops White-eye from the Sulawesi Region, Indonesia. International Journal of Avian Science
Read MoreJohnson JV, Exton DA, Dick JTA, Oakley J, Jompa J, Pincheira-Donoso D (2022) The relative influence of sea surface temperature anomalies on the benthic composition of an Indo-Pacific and Caribbean coral reef over the last decade. Ecology and Evolution 12(9)
Read MoreO’Connell DP, Kelly DJ, Akbar PG, Monkhouse J, Kelly SBA, Simcox W, Wijayanti A, Courtney Jones SK, Ó Marcaigh F, Karya A, Keogh NT, Mulyani Y, Nightingale J, Analuddin K, Marples NM, Martin TE (2022) Breeding records of the birds of south-east Sulawesi, Indonesia: a collation of observations encompassing nearly 20 years of research in Wallacea. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 142: 278-301.
Read MoreTanshi I, Obitte BC, Monadjem A, Rossiter SJ, Fisher-Phelps M, Kingston T (2022) Multiple dimensions of biodiversity in paleotropical hotspots reveal comparable bat diversity. Biotropica
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