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Documents found: 668

2002 Publication: The importance, fate and conservation of coral reefs. In: Pretty J (eds.) Guide to a Green Planet. Essex University, ISBN: 978-1-90405-914-7
Year: 2002
Interest: Conservation Management, , Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Smith DJ (2002) The importance, fate and conservation of coral reefs. In: Pretty J (eds.) Guide to a Green Planet. Essex University, ISBN: 978-1-90405-914-7

2002 Publication: Coral Reef Bleaching. In: Pretty J (eds.) Guide to a Green Planet. Essex University, ISBN: 978-1-90405-914-7
Year: 2002
Interest: Conservation Management & Marine
Location: Indonesia

Geider R, Smith DJ (2002) Coral Reef Bleaching. In: Pretty J (eds.) Guide to a Green Planet. Essex University, ISBN: 978-1-90405-914-7

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2002 Publication: Comparison of two reef sites in the Wakatobi Marine National Park (SE Sulawesi, Indonesia) using digital image analysis. Coral Reefs, 21(3): 242-244
Year: 2002
Interest: Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Crabbe MJC, Smith DJ (2002) Comparison of two reef sites in the Wakatobi Marine National Park (SE Sulawesi, Indonesia) using digital image analysis. Coral Reefs, 21(3): 242-244

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2002 Publication: A new sub-species of Red-backed Thrush from Kabaena island, Indonesia. Forktail, 18: 1-10
Year: 2002
Interest: Terrestrial, Birds & Genetics
Location: Indonesia

Robinson-Dean JC, Wilmott KR, Catterall MJ, Kelly DJ, Whittington A, Phalan B, Marples NM, Boeadi (2002) A new sub-species of Red-backed Thrush from Kabaena island, Indonesia. Forktail, 18: 1-10

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2001 Publication: Community Participation in Marine Protected Area Management: Wakatobi National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Year: 2001
Interest: Marine & Conservation Management
Location: Indonesia

Elliot, G, Mitchell B, Wiltshire B, Manan IR, Wismer S (2001) Community Participation in Marine Protected Area Management: Wakatobi National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Coastal Management 29: 295-316

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2000 Publication: Sighting of Thysanoteuthis rhombus egg mass in Indonesian waters and observations of embryonic development
Year: 2000
Interest: Marine, Invertebrates & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Billings VC, Sullivan M, Vine H (2000) Sighting of Thysanoteuthis rhombus egg mass in Indonesian waters and observations of embryonic development. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 80: 1139-1140

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1999 Publication: Structure and collision history of the Buton Continental Fragment, Eastern Indonesia. AAPG Bulletin, 83: 1666-1689
Year: 1999
Interest: Terrestrial
Location: Indonesia

Milsom J, Ali J (1999) Structure and collision history of the Buton Continental Fragment, Eastern Indonesia. AAPG Bulletin, 83: 1666-1689

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1996 Publication: A crown-of-thorns outbreak in the eastern Indonesian Archipelago, February 1996
Year: 1996
Interest: Marine, Invertebrates & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Lane DJW (1996) A crown-of-thorns outbreak in the eastern Indonesian Archipelago, February 1996. Coral Reefs 15: 209-2010

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