Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.
Documents found: 822
Zapata D. 2024. The use of alarm calling in a female Great Curassow (Crax rubra). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 136: 1-5.
Read MoreBodmer RE, Puertas P, Fang T, Sandro Soplín MA, Caro J, Pérez P, El Bizri HR, Arenas A, Nieto JC, Kirkland M, Mayor P (2024) Management of Subsistence Hunting of Mammals in Amazonia: A Case Study in Loreto, Peru. In: Spironello WR, Barnett AA, Lynch JW, Bobrowiec PED, Boyle SA (Eds) Amazonian Mammals. New York: Springer. Pp 275-297.
Read MoreWright J & Chamberlain J. 2024. Investigating human impacts on rocky reefs using measures of complexity and relief from 3D photogrammetry. Ecosphere 15:e4763.
Read MoreBurrell NC, Jeffers ES, Macias-Fauria M, Willis KJ. 2024. The inadequacy of current carbon storage assessment methods for rewilding: A Knepp Estate case study. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5: e12301.
Read MoreRamsay MS, Sgarlata GM, Barratt CD, Salmona J, Andriatsitohaina B, Kiene F, Manzi S, Ramilison ML, Rakotondravony R, Chikhi L, Lehman SM, Radespiel U. 2023. Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Connectivity and Genetic Diversity in an Endemic and an Invasive Rodent in Northwestern Madagascar. Genes 14: 14511.
Read MoreHarris AE, Hallett MT, Davis M, Carter M, Singh D, Roopsind A, Maharaj G, Bicknell JE. 2023. Use of logging roads by terrestrial mammals in a responsibly managed neotropical rainforest in Guyana. Forest Ecology and Management 548: 121401.
Read MoreEscobar-Toldeo J, Pett B (2023) Contributions to knowledge of two-tailed spiders of Madagascar, with first description of the female of Hersilia moheliensis Foord & Dippenaar-Schoemann, 2006 (Araneae: Hersiliidae). Arachnology 19: 788-791.
Read MoreRovellini A, Mortimer CL, Dunn MR, Fulton EA, Jompa J, Haris A, Bell JJ. 2024. Reduced small-scale structural complexity on sponge-dominated areas of Indo-Pacific coral reefs. Marine Environmental Research 193: 106254.
Read MoreWhite HJ, Bailey JJ, Bogdan C, Ross SRP-J (2023) Response trait diversity and species asynchrony underlie the diversity–stability relationship in Romanian bird communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 2309–2322.
Read MoreMcHugh SM, Suzzi-Simmons A, Sveiven SV (2023) First Comprehensive Biodiversity Assessment of Green Glades Ranches West, Hendry County, Florida. Southeastern Naturalist 22: 364-378.
Read MoreArgudín-Violante C., Middleton OS., Slater, KY, Dominguez-Bonilla E., Doncaster CP. (2023) Neo-tropical felid activity patterns in relation to potential prey and intraguild competitors in the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. Biotropica 55: 969–977.
Read MoreJocque M & Garrison R (2022) Dragonflies of Cusuco National Park, Honduras; checklist, new country records and the description of a new species of Palaemnema Selys, 1860 (Odonata: Platystictidae). Zootaxa 5188, 453-476.
Read MoreVan Caenegem W, Blondelle A, Dumolein I, Santamaria B, Dick CW, Hiller T, Liu J, Quandt CA, Saucedo RVV, Verbeken A, Haelewaters A (2023) Five new species of Gloeandromyces (Fungi, Laboulbeniales) from tropical American bat flies (Diptera, Streblidae), revealed by morphology and phylogenetic reconstruction. Mycologia doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2023.2230114
Read MoreCastañeda FE, McCann NP, Ávila H (2023) Confirmed presence of a puma in the binational Merendón Mountain Range. Cat News 77: 3-5.
Read MoreBarão-Nóbrega, J.A.L., González-Jáuregui, M., Padilla-Paz, S. et al. Characterising a genetic stronghold amidst pervasive admixture: Morelet’s crocodiles (Crocodylus moreletii) in central Yucatan. Conserv Genet (2023).
Read MoreSimpfendorfer CA, Heithaus MR, Heupel MR, MacNeil MA, Meekan M, Harvey E, Sherman CS, Currey-Randall LM, Goetze JS, Kiszka JJ, Rees MJ, Speed CW, Udyawer V, Bond ME, Flowers KI, Clementi GM, Valentin-Albanese J, Adam MS, Ali K, Asher J, Aylagas E, Beaufort O, Benjamin C, Bernard ATF, Berumen ML, Bierwagen S, Birrell C, Bonnema E, Bown RMK, Brooks EJ, Brown JJ, Buddo D, Burke PJ, Cceres C, Cambra M, Cardeosa D, Carrier JC, Casareto S, Caselle JE, Charloo V, Cinner JE, Claverie T, Clua EEG, Cochran JEM, Cook N, Cramp JE, DAlberto BM, de Graaf M, Dornhege MC, Espinoza M, Estep A, Fanovich L, Farabaugh NF, Fernando D, Ferreira CEL, Fields CYA, Flam AL, Floros C, Fourqurean V, Gajdzik L, Barcia LG, Garla R, Gastrich K, George L, Giarrizzo T, Graham R, Guttridge TL, Hagan V, Hardenstine RS, Heck SM, Henderson AC, Heithaus P, Hertler H, Padilla MH, Hueter RE, Jabado RW, Joyeux JC, Jaiteh V, Johnson M, Jupiter SD, Kaimuddin M, Kasana D, Kelley M, Kessel ST, Kiilu B, Kirata T, Kuguru B, Kyne F, Langlois T, Lara F, Lawe J, Lde EJI,
Lindfield S, Luna-Acosta A, Maggs JQ, Manjaji-Matsumoto BM, Marshall A, Martin L, Mateos-Molina D, Matich P, McCombs E, McIvor A, McLean D, Meggs L, Moore S, Mukherji S, Murray R, Newman SJ, Nogus J, Obota C, Ochavillo D, O’Shea O, Osuka KE, Papastamatiou YP, Perera N, Peterson B, Pimentel CR, Pina-Amargs F, Pinheiro HT, Ponzo A, Prasetyo A, Quamar LMS, Quinlan JR, Reis-Filho JA, Ruiz H, Ruiz-Abierno A, Sala E, Salinas de-Len P, Samoilys MA, Sample WR, Schrer-Umpierre M, Schlaff AM, Schmid K, Schoen SN, Simpson N, Smith ANH, Spaet JLY, Sparks L, Stoffers T, Tanna A, Torres R, Travers MJ, Bergmann MVZ, Vigliola L, Ward J, Warren JD, Watts AM, Wen CK, Whitman ER, Wirsing AJ, Wothke A, Zarza-Gonzlez E, Chapman DD (2023) Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays. Science 380: 1155-1160
Navarro-Martínez, ZM, Angulo-Valdés, J (2022) Unusual high density of foureye butterflyfish (Chaetodon capistratus) in Punta Francés coral reef, Cuba. Revisita de Investigaciones Marinas 42: 98-104.
Read Morede la Guardia E, Perera-Valderrama S, Hernández-González Z, Caballero-Aragón H, Arias-González JE (2023) Coral assemblage structure and condition of the San Felipe Keys National Park, Cuba. Regional Studies in Marine Science 63: 103016.
Read MoreAdžić K, Deranja M, Mihaljević M, Rebrina F, Skejo J, Jelić D, Pavlović M, Kirin K, Tvrtković K. 2023. Distribution and ecology of the predatory katydid Saga pedo (Pallas, 1771) in Croatia with the first record in the continental region. Natura Croatica 32: 35-47.
Read MoreKiene F, Springer A, Andriatsitohaina B, Ramsay MS, Rakotondravony R, Strube C, Radespiel U (2023) Filarial infections in lemurs: Evidence for a wide geographical distribution and low host specificity among lemur species. American Journal of Primatology 85: e23458.
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