- 2011 Publication: Macrobenthic assemblage structure in a cool-temperate intertidal dwarf-eelgrass bed in comparison to those in lower latitudes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104(3): 527-540
Year: 2011
Interest: Intertidal Ecology & Marine
Location: Indonesia
Barnes RSK, Ellwood MDFÂ (2011) Macrobenthic assemblage structure in a cool-temperate intertidal dwarf-eelgrass bed in comparison to those in lower latitudes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104(3): 527-540
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- 2011 Publication: Identifying and mapping biodiversity: where can we damage? In, Helm D, Hepburn C (eds) Nature in the balance: the economics of biodiversity. Oxford University Press
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial & Spatial Ecology
Location: Madagascar
Willis KJ, Macias-Fauria M, Gasparatos A, Long PR (2013) Identifying and mapping biodiversity: where can we damage? In, Helm D, Hepburn C (eds) Nature in the balance: the economics of biodiversity. Oxford University Press
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- 2011 Publication: Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis in south-east Sulawesi. BirdingASIA 15: 15-16
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial & Birds
Location: Indonesia
Kelly DJ, Marples NM (2011) Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis in south-east Sulawesi. BirdingASIA 15: 15-16
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- 2011 Publication: A new species of Polypedilum Kieffer from bromeliads in Parque Nacional Cusuco, Honduras (Chironomidae: Chironominae). Zootaxa, 3062: 46-54
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial & Botany
Location: Honduras
Mendes HF, Andersen T, Jocque M (2011) A new species of Polypedilum Kieffer from bromeliads in Parque Nacional Cusuco, Honduras (Chironomidae: Chironominae). Zootaxa, 3062: 46-54
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- 2011 Publication: Shallow water stony corals (Scleractinia, Milleporidae, and Stylasteridae) from Utila and Cayos Cochinos, Honduras. ISRN Zoology, 2011: 1-9
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Honduras
Scaps P, Saunders J (2011) Shallow water stony corals (Scleractinia, Milleporidae, and Stylasteridae) from Utila and Cayos Cochinos, Honduras. ISRN Zoology, 2011: 1-9
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- 2011 Publication: Factors affecting advertising in Indonesian adult and juvenile bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus)
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine, Behaviour & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia
Horton S (2011) Factors affecting advertising in Indonesian adult and juvenile bluestreak cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus). Bioscience Horizons 1: 90–98
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- 2011 Publication: Further records of the anchialine shrimp, Periclimenes pholeter Holthuis, 1973 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae)
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine & Invertebrates
Location: Indonesia
De Grave S, Sakihara TS (2011) Further records of the anchialine shrimp, Periclimenes pholeter Holthuis, 1973 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemonidae). Zootaxa 2903: 64–68
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- 2011 Publication: Focal white spots on Porites spp. from the north Andaman Sea, Western Thailand and the Wakatobi Marine National Park, Indonesia
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine, Environmental Science & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia
Scaps P, Haapkylä J (2011) Focal white spots on Porites spp. from the north Andaman Sea, Western Thailand and the Wakatobi Marine National Park, Indonesia. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies 13: 3-4
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- 2011 Publication: Protecting Garifuna Territory for Whom? Gender, Power, and Ecotourism in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine & Conservation Management
Location: Honduras
Brondo K, Bown N, Woods L (2011) Protecting Garifuna Territory for Whom? Gender, Power, and Ecotourism in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area. Practicing Anthropology 33: 12-18
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- 2011 Publication: Neoliberal Conservation, Garifuna Territorial Rights and Resource Management in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine & Conservation Management
Location: Honduras
Brondo K, Bown N (2011) Neoliberal Conservation, Garifuna Territorial Rights and Resource Management in the Cayos Cochinos Marine Protected Area. Conservation and Society 9: 91-105
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- 2010 Publication: Smilisca baudinii (Mexican Treefrog). Diet.
Year: 2010
Interest: Terrestrial & Herpetofauna
Location: Honduras
Frazier JA, Montgomery CE & Boback S (2010) Smilisca baudinii (Mexican Treefrog). Diet. Herpetological Review 41: 207-208.
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- 2010 Report: Opwall Indonesia Wakatobi Darwin Initiative Report 2010
Year: 2010
Interest: Marine
Location: Indonesia
Download Report
- 2010 Report: Opwall Honduras Cusuco Field Report 2010
Year: 2010
Interest: Terrestrial
Location: Honduras
Download Report
- 2010 Publication: Operation Wallacea in Egypt 1 – A preliminary study on diversity of fungi in the world heritage site of Saint Katherine, Egypt. Assiut University Journal of Botany, 38: 29-54
Year: 2010
Interest: Terrestrial & Environmental Science
Abdel-Azeem AM (2009) Operation Wallacea in Egypt 1 – A preliminary study on diversity of fungi in the world heritage site of Saint Katherine, Egypt. Assiut University Journal of Botany, 38: 29-54
- 2010 Publication: Ranging behaviour, activity, habitat use, and morphology of the Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga) on Peninsular Malaysia and comparison with studies on Borneo and Sulawesi. Mammalian Biology – Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde, 75: 437-446
Year: 2010
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour & Mammals
Location: Indonesia
Jennings AP, Zubaid A, Veron G (2010) Ranging behaviour, activity, habitat use, and morphology of the Malay civet (Viverra tangalunga) on Peninsular Malaysia and comparison with studies on Borneo and Sulawesi. Mammalian Biology – Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde, 75: 437-446
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- 2010 Publication: A population of Lemon-bellied White-eye Zosterops chloris from the south-eastern peninsular Sulawesi. Forktail 26: 138-139
Year: 2010
Interest: Terrestrial & Birds
Location: Indonesia
Kelly DJ, Marples NM, Singer HA (2010) A population of Lemon-bellied White-eye Zosterops chloris from the south-eastern peninsular Sulawesi. Forktail 26: 138-139
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- 2010 Publication: Ensuring appropriate and proportionate responses to environmental threats: a response to Caras and Pasternak. Ocean and Coastal Management, 53(11): 700-702
Year: 2010
Interest: Conservation Management & Marine
Location: Indonesia
Clifton J, Cullen LC, Haapkyla J, Unsworth RKF (2010) Ensuring appropriate and proportionate responses to environmental threats: a response to Caras and Pasternak. Ocean and Coastal Management, 53(11): 700-702
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- 2010 Publication: Economic and subsistence values of the standing stocks of seagrass fisheries: potential benefits of no-fishing marine protected area management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 53(5): 218-224
Year: 2010
Interest: Conservation Management, Fisheries & Marine
Location: Indonesia
Unsworth RKF, Cullen LC, Pretty JN, Smith DJ, Bell JJ (2010) Economic and subsistence values of the standing stocks of seagrass fisheries: potential benefits of no-fishing marine protected area management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 53(5): 218-224
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- 2010 Publication: Seagrass meadows of the Wakatobi National Park. In: Clifton J, Unsworth RKF, Smith DJ (eds.) Marine Research and Conservation in the Coral Triangle: The Wakatobi Marine National Park. NOVA Science Publishers, New York, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61668-473-0
Year: 2010
Interest: Environmental Science, Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia
Unsworth RKF (2010) Seagrass meadows of the Wakatobi National Park. In: Clifton J, Unsworth RKF, Smith DJ (eds.) Marine Research and Conservation in the Coral Triangle: The Wakatobi Marine National Park. NOVA Science Publishers, New York, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61668-473-0
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- 2010 Publication: Marine habitat connectivity in the Wakatobi National Park. In: Clifton J, Unsworth RKF, Smith DJ (eds.) Marine Research and Conservation in the Coral Triangle: The Wakatobi Marine National Park. NOVA Science Publishers, New York, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61668-473-0
Year: 2010
Interest: Marine, Marine Ecology & Spatial Ecology
Location: Indonesia
Salinas de Leon P, Unsworth RKF, Bell JJ (2010) Marine habitat connectivity in the Wakatobi National Park. In: Clifton J, Unsworth RKF, Smith DJ (eds.) Marine Research and Conservation in the Coral Triangle: The Wakatobi Marine National Park. NOVA Science Publishers, New York, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61668-473-0
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