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Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.

Documents found: 822

2011 Report: Opwall Honduras Cusuco Field Report 2011
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial
Location: Honduras
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2011 Report: Opwall Honduras Cusuco Botany Report 2011
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial
Location: Honduras
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2011 Report: Opwall Honduras Cayos Cochinos Marine Science Report 2011
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine
Location: Honduras
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2011 Report: Opwall Guyana Iwokrama and Surama Field Report 2011
Year: 2011
Location: Guyana
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2011 Report: Opwall Guyana Surama Forest Vertebrates Report 2011
Year: 2011
Location: Guyana
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2011 Report: Opwall Egypt Sinai Reptile Report 2011
Year: 2011
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2011 Report: Opwall Egypt Sinai Bat Report 2011
Year: 2011
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2011 Publication: Natural history notes – Rhabdophis chrysargoides (Gunther’s Keelback snake) mating behaviour. Herpetological Review 42(1): 102
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial & Herpetofauna
Location: Indonesia

Doody JS, Gillespie G, Susanto D, Ul-hasanah AU, Marin J, Mitchell R (2011) Natural history notes – Rhabdophis chrysargoides (Gunther’s Keelback snake) mating behaviour. Herpetological Review 42(1): 102

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2011 Publication: Natural History Notes, Boa constrictor. Foraging behaviour. Herpetological Review 42: 281
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour & Herpetofauna
Location: Honduras

Sorrell GG, Boback SM, Reed RN, Green SEW, Montgomery CE, De Souza LS, Chiaraviglio M (2011) Natural History Notes, Boa constrictor. Foraging behaviour. Herpetological Review 42: 281

2011 Publication: Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (squamata: Teiidae) on Cayo cochino pequeño, Honduras: Extent of island occupancy, natural history, and conservation status. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6: 10-24
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial, Herpetofauna & Spatial Ecology
Location: Honduras

Montgomery CE, Bobak SM, Green SEW, Pauliseen AM, Walker JM (2011) Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (squamata: Teiidae) on Cayo cochino pequeño, Honduras: Extent of island occupancy, natural history, and conservation status. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6: 10-24

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2011 Publication: Agriculture, land use and conservation initiatives in Indonesia: implications for development and sustainability. In: Tonts M, Siddique MAB (eds.) Globalisation, Agriculture and Development: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific (pp. 194-211). Edward Elgar, UK. ISBN: 978-1847208187
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial
Location: Indonesia

Clifton J (2011) Agriculture, land use and conservation initiatives in Indonesia: implications for development and sustainability. In: Tonts M, Siddique MAB (eds.) Globalisation, Agriculture and Development: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific (pp. 194-211). Edward Elgar, UK. ISBN: 978-1847208187

2011 Publication: Potential and limits in detecting altitudinal movements of bats using stable hydrogen isotope ratios of fur keratin. Acta Chiropterologica, 13: 431-438
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial, Experimental Biology & Mammals
Location: Honduras

Erzberger A, Popa-Lisseanu AP, Lehmann GUC, Voigt CC (2011) Potential and limits in detecting altitudinal movements of bats using stable hydrogen isotope ratios of fur keratin. Acta Chiropterologica, 13: 431-438

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2011 Publication: Cutaneous resistence to evaporative water loss in the crab-eating frog (Fejervarya cancrivora). Journal of Herpetology, 45(4): 417-420
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial & Herpetofauna
Location: Indonesia

Wygoda ML, Dabruzzi TF, Bennett WA (2011) Cutaneous resistence to evaporative water loss in the crab-eating frog (Fejervarya cancrivora). Journal of Herpetology, 45(4): 417-420

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2011 Publication: Interpreting the sign of coral bleaching as friend versus foe. Global Change Biology, 17(1): 45-55
Year: 2011
Interest: Conservation Management, Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Suggett DJ, Smith DJ (2011) Interpreting the sign of coral bleaching as friend versus foe. Global Change Biology, 17(1): 45-55

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2011 Publication: Scleractinian settlement patterns to natural cleared reef substrata and artificial settlement panels on an Indonesian coral reef. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 93(1): 80-85
Year: 2011
Interest: Experimental Biology & Marine
Location: Indonesia

Salinas de León P, Costales Carrera A, Zeljkovic S, Smith DJ, Bell JJ (2011) Scleractinian settlement patterns to natural cleared reef substrata and artificial settlement panels on an Indonesian coral reef. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 93(1): 80-85

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2011 Publication: Thermal responses of juvenile squaretail mullet (Liza vaigiensis) and juvenile crescent terapon (Terapon jarbua) acclimated at near-lethal temperatures, and the implications for climate change. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 399(1): 35-38
Year: 2011
Interest: Conservation Management, Experimental Biology & Marine
Location: Indonesia

Eme J, Dabruzzi TF, Bennett WA (2011) Thermal responses of juvenile squaretail mullet (Liza vaigiensis) and juvenile crescent terapon (Terapon jarbua) acclimated at near-lethal temperatures, and the implications for climate change. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 399(1): 35-38

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2011 Publication: Direct evidence of cutaneous resistance to evaporative water loss in amphibious mudskipper (family Gobiidae) and rockskipper (family Blenniidae) fishes from Pulau Hoga, southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 406(1-2): 125-129
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Dabruzzi TF, Wygoda ML, Wright JE, Eme J, Bennett WA (2011) Direct evidence of cutaneous resistance to evaporative water loss in amphibious mudskipper (family Gobiidae) and rockskipper (family Blenniidae) fishes from Pulau Hoga, southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 406(1-2): 125-129

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2011 Publication: Developing community-derived indicators of economic status in the Coral Triangle: a management support tool. Ocean and Coastal Management, 54(6): 446-454
Year: 2011
Interest: Conservation Management & Marine
Location: Indonesia

Cullen-Unsworth LC, Pretty J, Smith DJ (2011) Developing community-derived indicators of economic status in the Coral Triangle: a management support tool. Ocean and Coastal Management, 54(6): 446-454

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2011 Publication: Culture, conservation, and conflict: perspectives on marine protection among the Bajau of Southeast Asia. Society and Natural Resources, 25(7): 716-725
Year: 2011
Interest: Conservation Management & Marine
Location: Indonesia

Clifton J, Majors C (2011) Culture, conservation, and conflict: perspectives on marine protection among the Bajau of Southeast Asia. Society and Natural Resources, 25(7): 716-725

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2011 Publication: Differential effects of ocean acidification on growth and photosynthesis among phylotypes of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae). Limnology and Oceanography, 56(3): 927-938
Year: 2011
Interest: Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Brading P, Warner ME, Davey P, Smith DJ, Aketburg EP, Suggett DJ (2011) Differential effects of ocean acidification on growth and photosynthesis among phylotypes of Symbiodinium (Dinophyceae). Limnology and Oceanography, 56(3): 927-938

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Wallace House, Old Bolingbroke, Spilsby, Lincolnshire PE23 4EX, UK
| +44 (0) 1790 763194 | info@opwall.com