- 2012 Publication: Annual survival rate and mean life-span of Lemon-bellied White-eyes Zosterops chloris flavissimus on Kaledupa island, Wakatobi, south-east Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forktail, 28: 148-149
Year: 2012
Interest: Terrestrial & Birds
Location: Indonesia
Kelly DJ, Marples NM (2012) Annual survival rate and mean life-span of Lemon-bellied White-eyes Zosterops chloris flavissimus on Kaledupa island, Wakatobi, south-east Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forktail, 28: 148-149
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- 2011 Publication: Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis in south-east Sulawesi. BirdingASIA 15: 15-16
Year: 2011
Interest: Terrestrial & Birds
Location: Indonesia
Kelly DJ, Marples NM (2011) Olive-backed Sunbird Cinnyris jugularis in south-east Sulawesi. BirdingASIA 15: 15-16
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- 2010 Publication: A population of Lemon-bellied White-eye Zosterops chloris from the south-eastern peninsular Sulawesi. Forktail 26: 138-139
Year: 2010
Interest: Terrestrial & Birds
Location: Indonesia
Kelly DJ, Marples NM, Singer HA (2010) A population of Lemon-bellied White-eye Zosterops chloris from the south-eastern peninsular Sulawesi. Forktail 26: 138-139
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- 2010 Publication: Birds Populations of the Wakatobi. In: Clifton J, Unsworth RKF, Smith DJ (eds.) Marine Research and Conservation in the Coral Triangle: The Wakatobi Marine National Park. NOVA Science Publishers, New York, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61668-473-0
Year: 2010
Interest: Terrestrial & Birds
Location: Indonesia
Kelly DK, Marples N (2010) Birds Populations of the Wakatobi. In: Clifton J, Unsworth RKF, Smith DJ (eds.) Marine Research and Conservation in the Coral Triangle: The Wakatobi Marine National Park. NOVA Science Publishers, New York, USA. ISBN: 978-1-61668-473-0
- 2002 Publication: A new sub-species of Red-backed Thrush from Kabaena island, Indonesia. Forktail, 18: 1-10
Year: 2002
Interest: Terrestrial, Birds & Genetics
Location: Indonesia
Robinson-Dean JC, Wilmott KR, Catterall MJ, Kelly DJ, Whittington A, Phalan B, Marples NM, Boeadi (2002) A new sub-species of Red-backed Thrush from Kabaena island, Indonesia. Forktail, 18: 1-10
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