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Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.

Documents found: 822

2017 Publication: Metabolic responses of a phototrophic sponge to sedimentation supports transitions to sponge-dominated reefs. Scientific reports 7: 2725
Year: 2017
Interest: Experimental Biology, Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Biggerstaff A, Smith DJ, Jompa J, Bell JJ (2017) Metabolic responses of a phototrophic sponge to sedimentation supports transitions to sponge-dominated reefs. Scientific reports 7: 2725

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2017 Publication: An elusive Neotropical giant, Hondurantemna chespiritoi gen. n. & sp. n. (Antemninae, Mantidae): a new lineage of mantises exhibiting an ontogenetic change in cryptic strategy. Zookeys 680: 73-104
Year: 2017
Interest: Terrestrial & Invertebrates
Location: Honduras

Rodrigues HM, Rivera J, Reid N, Svenson GJ (2017) An elusive Neotropical giant, Hondurantemna chespiritoi gen. n. & sp. n. (Antemninae, Mantidae): a new lineage of mantises exhibiting an ontogenetic change in cryptic strategy. Zookeys 680: 73-104

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2017 Publication: Wariness of reef fish to passive diver presence with varyine dive gear type across a coral reef depth gradient. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Year: 2017
Interest: Behaviour, Fisheries & Marine
Location: Honduras

Andradi-Brown DA, Gress E, Laverick JH, Monfared MAA, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2017) Wariness of reef fish to passive diver presence with varyine dive gear type across a coral reef depth gradient. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

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2017 Publication: Depth-dependent effects of culling – do mesophotic lionfish populations undermine current management? Royal Society Open Science
Year: 2017
Interest: Conservation Management, Fisheries & Marine
Location: Honduras

Andradi-Brown DA, Grey R, Hendrix A, Hitchner D, Hunt CL, Gress E, Madej K, Parry RL, Regnier-McKellar C, Jones O, Arteaga M, Izaguirre AP, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2017) Depth-dependent effects of culling – do mesophotic lionfish populations undermine current management? Royal Society Open Science

2017 Publication: Effects of El Nino on the population dynamics of the Malay civet east of the Wallace line. Journal of Zoology
Year: 2017
Interest: Terrestrial, Conservation Management & Mammals
Location: Indonesia

Seymour AS, Tarrant MR, Gerber BD, Sharp A, Woollam J, Cox R (2017) Effects of El Nino on the population dynamics of the Malay civet east of the Wallace line. Journal of Zoology

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2017 Publication: Additional information on the natural history of Anolis cusuco (Squamata: Dactyloidae). Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(1) 215-218
Year: 2017
Interest: Terrestrial & Herpetofauna
Location: Honduras

Clause JK, Brown TW (2017) Additional information on the natural history of Anolis cusuco (Squamata: Dactyloidae). Mesoamerican Herpetology 4(1) 215-218

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2017 Publication: Cost and time-effective method for multi-scale measures of rugosity, fractal dimension, and vector dispersion from coral reef 3D models. PLOS One 12(4): e0175341
Year: 2017
Interest: Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Honduras

Young GC, Dey S, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2017) Cost and time-effective method for multi-scale measures of rugosity, fractal dimension, and vector dispersion from coral reef 3D models. PLOS One 12(4): e0175341

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2017 Publication: Thermal ecology of red lionfish Pterois volitans from southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, with comparisons to other Scorpaenidae. Aquatic Biology 26: 1-14
Year: 2017
Interest: Fisheries, Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Dabruzzi TF, Bennett WA, Fangue NA (2017) Thermal ecology of red lionfish Pterois volitans from southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, with comparisons to other Scorpaenidae. Aquatic Biology 26: 1-14

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2017 Publication: Distribution and structure of lotic macroinvertebrate communities and the influence of environmental factors in a tropical cloud forest, Cusuco National Park, Honduras. Journal of Limnology, 76(1): 148-160
Year: 2017
Interest: Community Ecology, Terrestrial, Environmental Science & Invertebrates
Location: Honduras

O’Callaghan P, Kelly-Quinn M (2017) Distribution and structure of lotic macroinvertebrate communities and the influence of environmental factors in a tropical cloud forest, Cusuco National Park, Honduras. Journal of Limnology, 76(1): 148-160

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2017 Publication: Neolinoptes gen. n., a replacement name for the net-winged beetle genus Linoptes Gorham, 1884 and a new species of Lycomorphon from Guyana (Coleoptera: Lycidae). Zootaxa 4216
Year: 2017
Interest: Terrestrial & Invertebrates
Location: Guyana

Nascimento EA, Bocakova M (2017) Neolinoptes gen. n., a replacement name for the net-winged beetle genus Linoptes Gorham, 1884 and a new species of Lycomorphon from Guyana (Coleoptera: Lycidae). Zootaxa 4216

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2017 Publication: Are neotropical predictors of forest epiphyte-host relationships consistent in Indonesia? Journal of Tropical Ecology 33: 178-182
Year: 2017
Interest: Community Ecology, Terrestrial & Botany
Location: Indonesia

Hayward RM, Martin TE, Utteridge TMA, Mustari AH, Marshall AR (2017) Are neotropical predictors of forest epiphyte-host relationships consistent in Indonesia? Journal of Tropical Ecology 33: 178-182

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2017 Publication: Variability in the Effectiveness of Two Ornithological Survey Methods between Tropical Forest Ecosystems. PLOS One 12(1): e0169786
Year: 2017
Interest: Terrestrial, Birds & Spatial Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Martin TE, Nightingale J, Baddams J, Monkhouse J, Kaban A, Sastranegara H, Mulyani Y, Blackburn GA, Simcox W (2017) Variability in the Effectiveness of Two Ornithological Survey Methods between Tropical Forest Ecosystems. PLOS One 12(1): e0169786

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2017 Publication: Identifying zooplankton community changes between shallow and upper-mesophotic reefs on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Caribbean. PeerJ 5: e2853
Year: 2017
Interest: Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Honduras

Andradi-Brown DA, Head C, Exton DA, Hunt C, Hendrix A, Gress E, Rogers AD (2017) Identifying zooplankton community changes between shallow and upper-mesophotic reefs on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Caribbean. PeerJ 5: e2853

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2017 Publication: Interacting effects of temperature, habitat and phenotype on predator avoidance behaviour in Diadema antillarum: implications for restorative conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 566: 105-115
Year: 2017
Interest: Behaviour, Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Honduras

Bodmer MDV, Wheeler PM, Hendrix AM, Cesarano DN, East AS, Exton DA (2017) Interacting effects of temperature, habitat and phenotype on predator avoidance behaviour in Diadema antillarum: implications for restorative conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 566: 105-115

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2017 Publication: Large scale invasion of Western Atlantic mesophotic reefs by lionfish potentially undermines culling-based management. Biological Invasions 1-16
Year: 2017
Interest: Conservation Management, Fisheries & Marine
Location: Honduras

Andradi-Brown DA, Vermeij MJA, Slattery M, Lesser M, Bejarano I, Appeldoorn R, Goodbody-Gringley G, Chequer AD, Pitt JM, Eddy C, Smith SR, Brokovich E, Pinheiro HT, Jessup E, Shepherd B, Rocha LA, Curtis-Quick J, Eyal G, Noyes TJ, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2017) Large scale invasion of Western Atlantic mesophotic reefs by lionfish potentially undermines culling-based management. Biological Invasions 1-16

2017 Publication: Increasing benthic dominance of the phototrophic sponge Lamellodysidea herbacea on a sedimented reef within the Coral Triangle
Year: 2017
Interest: Marine, Community Ecology, Environmental Science & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Biggerstaff A, Jompa J, Bell, JJ (2017) Increasing benthic dominance of the phototrophic sponge Lamellodysidea herbacea on a sedimented reef within the Coral Triangle. Marine Biology 164: 120-129.

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2017 Publication: Predicting the distributions of Egypt’s medicinal plants and their potential shifts under future climate change
Year: 2017
Interest: Terrestrial, Botany & Community Ecology

Kaky, E. & Gilbert, F. (2017) Predicting the distributions of Egypt’s medicinal plants and their potential shifts under future climate change. PLoS ONE 12(11): e0187714.

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2017 Publication: Fishes Biodiversity in La Siguanea inlet, Cuba
Year: 2017
Interest: Marine, Community Ecology, Fisheries & Marine Ecology
Location: Cuba

Rodríguez-Viera L, Navarro-Martínez Z, Evans D, Ruiz-Abierno A, García- Galano T, Angulo-Valdés JA (2017) Fishes Biodiversity in La Siguanea inlet, Cuba. Revista de Investigaciones Marinas 37, 29-45.

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2017 Report: Informe – Investigacion de Arrecifes Akumal UNAM Operation Wallacea Informe – Investigacion de Arrecifes Akumal UNAM Operation Wallacea 2017
Year: 2017
Interest: Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Mexico
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2017 Report: Impacto de Calidad de Agua y Turismo en Chelonia mydas en la Bahia de Akumal
Year: 2017
Interest: Marine, Conservation Management & Marine Ecology
Location: Mexico
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