Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.
Documents found: 822
O’Connell, D.P., O’Marcaigh, F.O., O’Neil, A., Griffin, R., Karya, A., Analuddin, K., Kelly, D.J. & Marples, N.M. (2019). The avifauna of Muna and Wawonii with additional records from mainland South-east Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forktail 35, 50-56.
Read MoreMarlow J, Haris A, Bell JJ (2019) Importance of philopatry and hydrodynamics in the recruitment of bioeroding sponges on Indonesian coral reefs. Marine and Freshwater Research 70(6): 755-766
Read MoreExton DA, Ahmadia GN, Cullen-Unsworth LC, Jompa J, May D, Rice J, Simonin PW, Unsworth RKF, Smith DJ (2019) Artisanal fish fences pose broad and unexpected threats to the tropical coastal seascape. Nature Communications 10: 2100
Read MoreNasdwiana R, Nurdin KN, Shinta W, Bennett WA (2019) Impact of changing temperature on critical thermal maximum and metabolic rate of Uca perplexa and Uca crassipes. Ecological Questions 30(3)
Read MoreThomas, O (2019) Aggregation behaviour in the Common Blunt-headed Tree Snake (Imantodes cenchoa; Linnaeus, 1758). Captive and Field Herpetology 3: 23-25.
Read MoreO’Connell DP, Kelly DJ, Lawless N, O’Brien K, Ó Marcaigh F, Karya A, Analuddin K, Marples NM (2019) A sympatric pair of undescribed white-eye species (Aves: Zosteropidae: Zosterops) with different origins. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society . Early view version.
Read MoreBarão-Nóbrega JAL (2019) Aguadas of Calakmul: An update on location and characteristics of the waterbodies in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Campeche, Mexico. Operation Wallacea: Old Bolingbroke.
Read MoreFroese GZL & Haris AH (2019) Assessments of Maleo Macrocephalon maleo nesting grounds in South-east Sulawesi reveal severely threatened populations. Bird Conservation International. Early view version
Read MoreWainwright W, Glenk K, Akaichi F, Moran D (2019) Conservation contracts for supplying Farm Animal Genetic
Resources (FAnGR) conservation services in Romania. Livestock Science 224: 1-9.
Glaudas X, Glennon KL, Martins M, Luiselli L, Fearn S, Trembath DF, Jelic D, Alexander GJ (2019) Foraging mode, relative prey size and diet breadth: A phylogenetically explicit analysis of snake feeding ecology. Journal of Animal Ecology. Early View Version.
Read MoreHowes B, Doughty LS, Thompson S (2019) African Elephant Feeding Preferences in a small South African fenced game reserve. Journal for Nature Conservation. Early View Version.
Read MoreDabruzzi TF,Fangue NA, Kadir NN, Bennett WA (2019) Thermal niche adaptations of common mudskipper (Periophthalmus kalolo) and barred mudskipper (Periophthalmus argentilineatus) in air and water. Journal of Thermal Biology. Early view version.
Read MoreVilleneuve AR, Thornhill A, Eales J (2019) Upstream migration and altitudinal distribution patterns of Nereina punctulata (Gastropoda: Neritidae) in Dominica, West Indies. Aquatic Ecology. Early View version.
Read MoreO’Connell DP, Kelly DJ, Kelly SBA, Sealy S, Karya A, Analuddin K, Marples NM (2019) Increased sexual dimorphism in dense populations of Olive-backed Sunbirds on small islands: morphological niche contraction in females but not males. Emu – Austral Ornithology. Early View version.
Read MoreCreedy TJ, Ng WS, Vogler AP (2019) Toward accurate species‐level metabarcoding of arthropod communities from the tropical forest canopy. Ecology and Evolution. Early view version.
Read MoreHarrison B, Martin TE, Mustari AH (2019) The accuracy of volunteer surveyors for obtaining tree measurements in tropical forests. Ambio
Read MoreHunt CL, Kelly GR, Windmill H, Curtis-Quick J, Conlon H, Bodmer MDV, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2019) Aggregating behaviour in invasive Caribbean lionfish is driven by habitat complexity. Nature Scientific Reports 9: 783
Read MoreGouraguine A, Moranta J, Ruiz-Frau A, Hinz H, Renones O, Ferse SCA, Jompa J, Smith DJ (2019) Citizen science in data and resource-limited areas: A tool to detect long-term ecosystem changes. PLOS One 14(1): e0210007
Read MoreTitus BM, Daly M, Vondriska C, Hamilton I, Exton DA (2019). Lack of strategic service provisioning by Pederson’s cleaner shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni) highlights independent evolution of cleaning behaviors between ocean basins. Nature Scientific Reports 9: 629
Read MoreBarão-Nóbrega JAL, Padilla SE (2018) Crocodylus moreletii (Morelet’s Crocodile). Morphological abnormality. Herpetological Review 49: 739-740.
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