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Documents found: 668

2019 Publication: Aggregating behaviour in invasive Caribbean lionfish is driven by habitat complexity
Year: 2019
Interest: Marine, Behaviour, Conservation Management & Marine Ecology
Location: Honduras

Hunt CL, Kelly GR, Windmill H, Curtis-Quick J, Conlon H, Bodmer MDV, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2019) Aggregating behaviour in invasive Caribbean lionfish is driven by habitat complexity. Nature Scientific Reports 9: 783

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2019 Publication: Citizen science in data and resource-limited areas: A tool to detect long-term ecosystem changes
Year: 2019
Interest: Marine & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Gouraguine A, Moranta J, Ruiz-Frau A, Hinz H, Renones O, Ferse SCA, Jompa J, Smith DJ (2019) Citizen science in data and resource-limited areas: A tool to detect long-term ecosystem changes. PLOS One 14(1): e0210007

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2019 Publication: Lack of strategic service provisioning by Pederson’s cleaner shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni) highlights independent evolution of cleaning behaviors between ocean basins
Year: 2019
Interest: Marine, Behaviour & Marine Ecology
Location: Honduras

Titus BM, Daly M, Vondriska C, Hamilton I, Exton DA (2019). Lack of strategic service provisioning by Pederson’s cleaner shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni) highlights independent evolution of cleaning behaviors between ocean basins. Nature Scientific Reports 9: 629

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2018 Publication: Crocodylus moreletii (Morelet’s Crocodile). Morphological abnormality
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial & Herpetofauna
Location: Mexico

Barão-Nóbrega JAL, Padilla SE (2018) Crocodylus moreletii (Morelet’s Crocodile). Morphological abnormality. Herpetological Review 49: 739-740.

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2018 Publication: Oxybelis fulgidus (Green Vinesnake). Diet.
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour & Herpetofauna
Location: Mexico

Smith RH, Lopez C, Barao-Nobrega JAL (2018) Oxybelis fulgidus (Green Vinesnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 49: 759-760.

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2018 Publication: An assessement of present plant diversity on the Natewa Peninsula, Vanua Levu, Fiji
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial & Botany
Location: Fiji

Powling A (2018) An assessement of present plant diversity on the Natewa Peninsula, Vanua Levu, Fiji. Reinwardtia 17: 125-132

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2018 Publication: Freshwater Vertebrates: an overview of survey design, and key methodological considerations
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial & Herpetofauna
Location: Honduras

Green SEW, Salazar RD, Gilbert G, Buxton AS, Gilroy DL, Oberdorff T, Harrington LA (2018) Freshwater Vertebrates: an overview of survey design, and key methodological considerations. In: Hughes, JMR (ed) Freshwater Ecology and Conservation: approaches and techniques. Oxford, Oxford University Press. pp 208-239.

2018 Publication: Styrax paulhousei (Styracaceae), a new species from Honduras
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial & Botany
Location: Honduras

Fritsch PW, Whitefoord C, Kelly DL (2018) Styrax paulhousei (Styracaceae), a new species from Honduras. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 12: 499-505.

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2018 Publication: Status and conservation of manatees in Cuba: historical observations and recent insights
Year: 2018
Interest: Marine, Conservation Management & Mammals
Location: Cuba

Alvarez-Aleman A, Alfonso EG, Martin-Vianna YF, Gonzalez ZH, Domenech RE, Hurtado A, Powell J, Jacoby CA, Frazer TK (2018) Status and conservation of manatees in Cuba: historical observations and recent insights. Bulletin of Marine Science, 94(2): 313-327

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2018 Publication: Effects of respiratory media, temperature, and species on matabolic rates of two sympatric periopthalmid mudskippers
Year: 2018
Interest: Marine, Experimental Biology & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Bennett WA, Rohrer JS, Kadir NN, Fangue NA, Dabruzzi TF (2018) Effects of respiratory media, temperature, and species on matabolic rates of two sympatric periopthalmid mudskippers. Micronesica 5: 1-12

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2018 Publication: A remarkable new swallowtail butterfly from Fiji (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae)
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial & Invertebrates
Location: Fiji

Tennent WJ, Chandra V, Müller CJ (2018) A remarkable new swallowtail butterfly from Fiji (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo 39: 53-61.

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2018 Publication: Domination of mesophotic ecosystems in the Wakatobi Marine National Park (Indonesia) by sponges, soft corals and other non-hard coral species
Year: 2018
Interest: Marine, Invertebrates & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Bell JJ, Jompa J, Haris A, Werorilangi S, Shaffer M, Mortimer C (2018) Domination of mesophotic ecosystems in the Wakatobi Marine National Park (Indonesia) by sponges, soft corals and other non-hard coral species. The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK. In Press.

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2018 Publication: Non-volant mammal inventory of Cusuco National Park, north-west Honduras: reporting the presence of Jaguar, Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758), and demonstrating the effects of zonal protection on mammalian abundance
Year: 2018
Interest: Community Ecology & Mammals
Location: Honduras

Hoskins HMJ, Burdekin OJ, Dicks K, Slater KY, McCann NP, Jocque M, Castañeda F, Reid N (2018) Non-volant mammal inventory of Cusuco National Park, north-west Honduras: reporting the presence of Jaguar, Panthera onca (Linnaeus, 1758), and demonstrating the effects of zonal protection on mammalian abundance. Checklist 14: 877-891.

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2018 Publication: Diversification of a ‘great speciator’ in the Wallacea region: differing responses of closely related resident and migratory kingfisher species (Aves: Alcedinidae: Todiramphus)
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial, Birds & Genetics
Location: Indonesia

O’Connell D, Kelly DJ, Lawless N, Karya A, Analuddin K, Marples NM (2018) Diversification of a ‘great speciator’ in the Wallacea region: differing responses of closely related resident and migratory kingfisher species (Aves: Alcedinidae: Todiramphus). Ibis. Early view version.

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2018 Publication: Growth and longevity in giant barrel sponges: Redwoods of the reef or Pines in the Indo-Pacific?
Year: 2018
Interest: Marine, Invertebrates & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia
McGrath EC, Woods L, Jompa J, Haris A, Bell JJ (2018) Growth and longevity in giant barrel sponges: Redwoods of the reef or Pines in the Indo-Pacific? Scientific reports 8: 15317
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2018 Publication: Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial, Botany & Genetics
Location: Honduras

Slik JWF, Franklin J, Arroyo-Rodríguez V, Field R et al (2018) Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 115: E3067.

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2018 Publication: Photoacclimation to light-limitation in a clionaid sponge; implications for understanding sponge bioerosion on turbid reefs
Year: 2018
Interest: Marine, Environmental Science, Invertebrates & Marine Ecology
Location: Indonesia

Marlow J, Davy SK, Haris A, Bell JJ (2018) Photoacclimation to light-limitation in a clionaid sponge; implications for understanding sponge bioerosion on turbid reefs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 135: 466-474

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2018 Publication: Records of Van Dam’s Vanga Xenopirostris damii in Mariarano forest, north-west Madagascar
Year: 2018
Interest: Birds
Location: Madagascar

Rasamison S, Raveloson BA, Palfrey RH, Martin TE (2018) Records of Van Dam’s Vanga Xenopirostris damii in Mariarano forest, north-west Madagascar. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists Club 138 275-277.

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2018 Publication: Vasectomies of male African elephants as a population management tool: A case study
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial, Behaviour, Conservation Management & Mammals
Location: South Africa
Zitzer, H.R. & Boult, V.L. (2018) Vasectomies of male African elephants as a population management tool: A case study, Bothalia 48(2)
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2018 Publication: Potential for use of passive acoustic monitoring of piranhas in the Pacaya–Samiria National Reserve in Peru
Year: 2018
Interest: Terrestrial, Environmental Science & Fisheries
Location: Peru

Rountree RA, Juanes F (2018) Potential for use of passive acoustic monitoring of piranhas in
the Pacaya–Samiria National Reserve in Peru. Freshwater Biology 1-11.

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