Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.
Documents found: 822
Gonzalez-Jauregui M, Borges-Ramirez M, Barao-Nobrega JAL, Escamilla A, Dzul-Caamal R, Rendon-von Osten J (2019) Stomach flushing technique applied to quantify microplastics in Crocodilians. MethodsX. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2019.11.013
Read MoreJones SEI, Tobias JA, Freeman R, Portugal SJ (2019) Weak asymmetric interspecific aggression and divergent habitat preferences at an elevational contact zone between tropical songbirds. Ibis. Early View version
Read MorePett BL, Bailey JJ (2019) Ghost‐busting: patch occupancy and habitat preferences of Ocyale ghost (Araneae: Lycosidae), a single site endemic in north‐western Madagascar. Austral Entomology. Early view version.
Read MoreSowersby W (2019) Opwall Nkhata Bay Monitoring Report.
Download ReportPalfrey RH,Baddams J, Raveloson BA, Rasamison S, Ó Marcaigh, Neaves J, Long PR, Martin TE (2019) The avifauna of the forest mosaic habitats of the Mariarano region, Mahajanga II district, north-west Madagascar. Bothalia 49: a2416.
Read MoreAndriatsitohaina B, Ramsay MS, Kiene F, Lehman SM, Rasoloharijaona S, Rakotondravony R & Radespie U (2019) Ecological fragmentation effects in mouse lemurs and small mammals in northwestern Madagascar. American Journal of Primatology. Early view version. DOI: e23059
Read MoreByrne AQ,Vredenburg VT, Martel A, Pasmans F, Belle RC, Blackburn DC, Bletz MC, Bosch J, Briggs CJ, Brown RM, Catenazzin A, Lópezo MF, Figueroa-Valenzuela R, Ghose SL, Jaeger JR, Jani AJ, Jirku M, Knapp RA, Muñoz A, Portik DM, Richards-Zawacki CL, Rockney H, Rovito SM, Stark T, Sulaeman H, Thien Tao N, Voyles J, Waddle AW, Yuan Z & Rosenblum EB (2019) Cryptic diversity of a widespread global pathogen reveals expanded threats to amphibian conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. Early view version.
Read MoreEngland J (2019) Nesting behaviour of Natewa Silktail Lamprolia klinesmithi. Bulletin of the British Ornithology Club 139, 293-302.
Read MorePhangurha J, Muhtianda IA, Karya A, Analuddin K, Gillespie G, Courtney Jones S (2019) Dendrelaphis marenae (Maren’s Bronzeback). Predation behaviour. Herpetological Review 50: 590-591.
Read MoreBrown, T.W. (2019) A Wolf Spider (Aranaea; Lycocidae) in the stomach contents of the skink Scincella incerta (Squamata: Scincidae), from Cusuco National Park, Honduras. Sauria 41: 48-50
Read MoreLonsdale G & Brown T (2019) The anole Norops cusuco as prey of a Praying Mantis. Sauria 41: 47-48.
Read MoreNunez R, Barro-Canamero A, Minno MC, Fernandez DM, Hausmann A (2019) The herophile species group of Calisto (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae : Satyrinae), new taxa and
historical biogeography. Invertebrate Systematics 33: 644-660
Monkhouse JR, O’Connell DP, Kelly DJ, Analuddin K, Karya A, Marples NM, Martin TE (2019) The avifauna of Menui island, south-east Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forktail 34, 42-47.
Read MoreLaverick JH, Green TK, Burdett HL, Newton J, Rogers AD (2019) Depth alone is an inappropriate proxy for physiological change in the mesophotic coral Agaricia lamarcki. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK
Read MoreTitus BM, Blischak PD, Daly M (2018) Genomic signatures of sympatric speciation with historical and contemporary gene flow in a tropical anthozoan (Hexacorallia: Actiniaria). Molecular Ecology
Read MoreRovellini A, Dunn MR, Fulton EA, Webster NS, Smith DJ, Jompa J, Haris A, Berman J, Bell JJ (2019) Decadal variability in sponge abundance and biodiversity on an Indo-Pacific coral reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 620: 63-76
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