Operation Wallacea have been running research expeditions since 1995, all these research documents originate directly from our research sites around the world.
Documents found: 822
Cizmek H, Colic B, Cizmek IZ. 2025. Reconstructing the Historical Density, Size, and Age Structure of the Noble Pen Shell (Pinna nobilis) Population: Insights from Malo Jezero Lagoon, Mljet National Park (Adriatic Sea). Water 17: 663.
Read MoreAbbad EL, Cronemberger de Faria C, Bergallo HG, de Sales Dambros C. (2025) Bias in neotropical and reef biodiversity monitoring programs may prevent detecting changes in species diversity through time. Biological Conservation 303: 111031.
Read MoreCazabonne J, Martin TE, Matthews TJ, Quandt CA,Wayman JP, Haelewaters D. 2025. Preprint – Knowledge gaps explored for Laboulbeniomycetes, a clade of understudied microfungi, including a new shortfall related to a lack of taxonomic expertise. Authorea.
Read MoreDoyle TD, Poole OM, Barnes JC, Hawkes WLS, Guri EJ, Wotton KR. 2025. Multiple factors contribute to female dominance in migratory bioflows. Open Biology 15: 240235.
Read MoreMahabale D, Bodmer R, Pizuri O, Uraco P, Chota K, Antunez M, Groombridge J. 2025. Sustainability of Hunting in Community-Based Wildlife Management in the Peruvian Amazon. Sustainability, 17, 914.
Read MoreBrandl SJ, Carlot J, Stuart-Smith RD, Keith SA, Graham NAJ, Edgar GJ, Wicquart J, Wilson SK, Karkarey R, Donovan MK, Arias-Gonzalez JE, Arthur R, Bigot L, Exton DA, Goetze J, Hoey AS, Holmes T, Maréchal J-P, Mouillot D, Ross CL, Wickel J, Adjeroud M, Parravicini V. 2024. Unifying Coral Reef States Through Space and Time Reveals a Changing Ecosystem. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33: e13926.
Read MoreHendy IW, Shipway JR, Tupper M, Etxabe AG, Ward RD, Cragg SM. 2022. Biodegraders of Large Woody Debris Across a Tidal Gradient in an Indonesian Mangrove Ecosystem. Frontiers in forests and Global Change 5:852217.
Read MoreSamson-McKenna DC, Martin TE, Hoskins HMJ, Van de Kerk M (2025) Mammal species occupancy in a Honduran cloud forest: a pre- and post-COVID-19 comparison. Journal of Nature Conservation 84: 126819.
Read MoreBodmer R, Pablo Puertas P, Henderson P, Mayor P, Antunez M, Fang T, Chota K, Arenas M, Glotin H, Trone M, Cosgrove B, Docherty E, Walkey M. (2018) Modelling impacts of planned dredging of major Amazonian rivers on the wildlife and people of the Flooded forest of Loreto, Peru. Folia Amazonica 27: 247-258.
Read MoreOrbe Alvan SA, Lopez-Rojas JJ, Bodmer RE, Lopez-Rojas CM (2020) Monitereo de la abundacia de Gucamayos durante diez anos en la cuenca media del Rio Samiria, Loreto, Peru. Folia Amazonica 29: 51-64.
Read MoreBodmer R, Fang T, Antunez M, Puertas P, Chota K, Pittet M, Kirkland M, Walkey M, Rios C, Perez-Peña P, Mayor P, Zegarra J, Docherty E. (2017). Impact of recent climate fluctuations on biodiversity and people in flooded forests of the Peruvian Amazon. In: Rodriguez L, Anderson I (eds) The Lima Declaration on Biodiversity and Climate Change: Contributions from Science to Policy for Sustainable Development. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity: Montreal.
Read MoreHaelewaters D, Hughes M, Barão-Nóbrega JLA, Slater K, Martin TE (2024) Standard deviation: Standardized bat monitoring techniques work better in some ecosystems. PLOS ONE 19(12): e0311553
Read MoreNeate-Clegg MHC, Saracco JF, Rodríguez-Vásquez F, Jones SEI. 2024. Unraveling demographic patterns in tropical birds across an elevational gradient. Ornithological Applications. Early View version: duae063
Read MoreBarrie FR,Skog LE. 2024. Seven New Species of Besleria (Gesneriaceae) from the Mesoamerican Flora. Novon 32: 162-175.
Read MoreEscobar-Toledo J, Pett BL. 2024. Contributions to the Larinia-group (Araneae:Araneidae) in Madagascar, with the description of two new species. Contributions to the Larinia-group (Araneae: Araneidae) in Madagascar, with the description of two new species. Arachnology 19: 1312–1317.
Read MoreMurray KI, Escobar-Toledo J, Pett BL (2024) Three new species of plexippine jumping spiders (Salticidae, Salticinae, Plexippini) from dry forest in Boeny region, northwestern Madagascar. African Invertebrates 65: 61-74.
Read MoreSayol F, Wayman JP, Dufour P, Martin TE, Hume JP, Jørgensen MW, Martínez-Rubio N, Sanglas A, Soares FC, Cooke R, Mendenhall CD, Margolis Illera JC, Lemoine R, Benavides E, Lapiedra O, Triantis KA, Pigot AL, Tobias JA, Faurby S, Matthews TJ. 2024. AVOTREX: A Global Dataset of Extinct birds and their traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography. doi.org/10.1111/geb.13927
Read MorePhangurha J, Nahuat-Cervera PE, Theodorou A, Oakley J, Sawoscianiki O, Barão-Nóbrega JA. 2024. A Review of Ectoparasites (Acari and Hirudinea) associated with Herpetofauna in the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 31: e18710.
Read MoreMatthews TJ, Triantis KA, Wayman JP, Martin TE, Hume JP, Cardoso P, Faurby S, Mendenhall CD, Dufour P, Rigal F, Cooke R, Whittaker RJ, Pigot AL, Thébaud C, Jørgensen MW, Benavides E, Soares FC, Ulrich W, Kubota Y, Sadler JP, Tobias JA, Sayol F. 2024. The global loss of avian functional and phylogenetic diversity from anthropogenic extinctions. Science 386: 55-60.
Read MoreHughes M & Murray J (2024) Croatia 2024 end of season report
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