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Mexico is a large country with a population of over 120 million people though this is largely concentrated in densely populated cities with over 9 million of living in Mexico city alone. Mexico is a country famous for it's amazing beaches, fantastic wildlife, Mayan temples and of course the fantastic food! Spanish is the most common language across Mexico though in some of the areas we work then various dialects of Mayan are also very commonly spoken.

Related Locations

  • Calakmul

    Within the Biosphere reserve we use two main field camps, they are similar in their accommodation but their habitats are vastly different. In Kalam Cab and Hormiguero all participants sleep in tented accommodation, there are dry toilets and bucket showers. There are areas for ...

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  • Akumal

    Set away from the main town of Akumal, students stay in purpose built accommodation set in a pleasant forested area. They will sleep in bunk beds with dormitories spread across three floors. Rooms are shared with up to 14 people. Each dormitory has its own ...

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  • Kalam Cab

    This is the main base of operations for the programme in Calakmul and the largest of the research camps we have in the forest. Kalam Cab is located closest to the Calakmul ruins, has the largest number or survey locations and is the main ...

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  • Hormiguero

    Hormiguero is set in the forest with a deck overlooking an aguada (a small seasonal lake/pond) and is a very pleasant place to spend some time. This camp also has it's very own set of Mayan ruins with some fantastic carvings close by ...

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  • Dos Naciones

    The most rustic and remote camp Dos Naciones makes up for the lack of facilities by the fantastic atmosphere and wonderful wildlife. The is the smallest and most physically demanding of the camps. Here you will sleep in jungle hammocks with built in tarps ...

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