We have a number of talks coming up about our expeditions, register for a talk by clicking here!

  • Overview

Interested in joining us in 2026?

We can accept a general booking for a 2026 Honduras expedition to give people an opportunity to start fundraising and begin preparing earlier. As the location dates for our expeditions are not released until the September before the expedition season, our 2026 booking form allows you to put a deposit down for the number of weeks you would like to join, and receive early access to the locations and dates we have available for 2026. In September you will receive our brochure and early access booking form, to give you first choice of what we have available! – this is a great way of ensuring that you get your first choice of what you want to do, whilst also being able to kick start your fundraising as you will have a place confirmed!



  • Honduras

Want to get involved with this project?


Want to get involved with this project?

   Latest from our blog

  • The Expedition Mindset

    Posted on 19th February 2024
    My name is Erin, and I recently returned from my two-week Terrestrial and Marine trip in Honduras. What made this trip so memorable to me was my mindset during and in my reflections following it. Embracing change and challenge allows experiences like...
  • Tales from Tela & Utila’s Unforgettable Dives

    Posted on 7th March 2023
    Hello to my fellow wildlife protectors and conservationists! My name’s Rachael and I am a Science Communicator for Operation Wallacea (Opwall) and recent BSc Wildlife Conservation graduate from Nottingham Trent University.   How did the opportunity come about? The original plan was...
  • Marvellous Manatees

    Posted on 9th September 2020
    Whenever we visited the site of La Ensenada in Tela bay, Honduras we always told the students about the legendary manatee that was once spotted there. There was no photo evidence, so none of us believed it. But last summer, all of that changed. ...
Wallace House, Old Bolingbroke, Spilsby, Lincolnshire PE23 4EX, UK
| +44 (0) 1790 763194 | info@opwall.com