Five reasons why everybody should go on an expedition with Opwall regardless of scientific background!
When approached about embarking on an expedition with Operation Wallacea, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. After all, this is a company that has published over 670 peer reviewed papers to date, as well as having discovered 74 new species. If you are someone not embedded in the world of science, you might feel like you don’t belong working with a company like Opwall but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Opwall expeditions are open to anybody interested in nature and here I’m going to list just a few reasons of why you should consider an expedition with us, even if you are not a scientist.
Photo by Seta Matloub
Operation Wallacea takes part in trips all around the world. From Honduras to Indonesia, Madagascar to Mexico and even South Africa to Croatia! Within these sites we work with locals who often guide us through jungles and even cook us delicious local cuisine. Now not only will you have a chance to interact with these locals, but also the many researchers and volunteers who happen to be on the site at the same time as you. These people often come from all corners of the world so you won’t easily find a place with as much diversity as an Opwall trip! Whether you’re exploring remote villages, sharing meals with locals, or participating in cultural activities, these experiences with your local and researcher family can broaden your perspective and create lasting friendships.
Photo by Callum Evans
It goes without saying that when integrated in these environments so isolated from civilization, you become surrounded by absolute beauty. These landscapes you’ll see are completely stunning and few people ever get the opportunity to be in your shoes. This is especially great for anybody interested in photography who are welcome to bring their cameras along to document their time in paradise. This is all further augmented by the option to learn dive and snorkel at the majority of our research sites providing unforgettable moments that inspire a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.
Photo by Andy Clark
The opportunity to interact with the local wildlife should be an exciting idea for any animal lover out there. In our expeditions you will have the opportunity to survey a great range of local flora and fauna and even interact directly with some of our smaller species such as reptiles, amphibians, bats and birds to take measurements of different characteristics. For those interested in diving or snorkelling, an even wider range of animals is opened up for surveying. Whether you’re snorkelling alongside colourful coral reefs, observing a tiny tree frog relaxing on a leaf or spotting a rare bird species, these close encounters offer a unique doorway into the rich biodiversity of our planet.
Photo by Frances Budd
I would be lying if I said going on an Opwall trip is an easy thing for somebody not used to travelling but speaking from experience, there is nothing more rewarding than putting in the work, gathering all the kit and successfully touching down at your destination. This is especially true for those of you who pour in time and effort into organising fundraising events which will teach you a lot about organisation and planning. This does not truly end on arrival either as, depending on the site, you will be living far from the comforts of modern day society allowing you to learn a lot about yourself and foster independence.
Photo by Annie Harris
Coming on a trip with Opwall will teach you a lot of skills that can be used on a job search. You will learn valuable field techniques, navigation strategies as well as data collection. This does not end with science though as the experiences you make could even lead to careers in photography, journalism, tourism or even some of the many green industries that are growing exponentially as awareness for the human impact on our climate and environments increases. It is also worth noting that there will be many opportunities to network on these expeditions which could further enhance your portfolio for any opportunity in work related to conservation.
So there you have it! Expeditions aren’t just for scientists but instead for anybody looking for adventure, personal growth and thrilling experiences. Whether you’re making friends, soaking in breathtaking views or discovering wildlife you didn’t even know existed, each trip is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a world of excitement!
Title photo by Kathleen Webster
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