My name is Erin, and I recently returned from my two-week Terrestrial and Marine trip in Honduras. What made this trip so memorable to me was my mindset during and in my reflections following it. Embracing change and challenge allows experiences like this one all the more valuable. It’s a balance of acknowledging the new environment and unique people while being aware of the current moment. Comprehending that you may never (although I would love to return to Honduras or Central America) be in the same place again. But this feeling never led to a bitter mood; it only propelled my feelings of gratitude. Nothing can recreate the current moment, even if I am fortunate enough to return. I will never be this age, with these exact people, even in this precise location. And that’s the beauty of it all. This trip helped me concede these thoughts from another perspective. I could accept everything this expedition offered, understanding I would return home. I found myself saying, “GUYS CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS” countless times, so many times, in fact, I began to annoy myself—a lot. But I couldn’t stop; control that part of my brain that simply couldn’t believe it. The entirety of my trip was a surreal experience; although I’ve seen unique places in my travels, it was incomparable, particularly to my home in Toronto.
Photo by Fabian Muhlberger
Another component of the expedition that made it extraordinary was the people. Connecting and making friends, some I hope I’ll stay in contact with for years to come. Existing in an environment where everyone around you is so enthusiastic about learning and just being in nature is heartwarming. You feel grounded and reminded about the things we often take for granted. Just how incredible even the tiniest of beings are, how essential they are to our earth. Although I studied biology at university, it was a dissimilar setting to sitting in a classroom with those eager regarding a subject. There is something incomparable, almost indescribable, to actually being there. Being in the forest, in the jungle, surrounded by all these elements. It’s very cliche, but some things can’t be learned from a textbook, and this expedition was a textbook illustration.
Photo by Richard Field
I spent one week at the terrestrial site and another in the marine area. If I could do it all again, I would’ve dedicated two weeks to each location because I could not get enough. As soon as I acclimated to my latest surroundings, we moved around again, which made it all the more stimulating, but once you’re in the wilderness, you recognize just how much there is to discover, and even all the time in the world doesn’t feel like enough.
Photo by Adam Laverty
Title Photo by Sara Carlson
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