Photo by Oliver Thomas
Paper Title: Observations on foraging behaviour of Rufous-headed Woodpecker Celeus spectabilis in the Ecuadorian Amazon
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Paper Summary:
The Rufous-headed Woodpecker, Celeus spectabilis, was previously thought to be a bamboo specialist, but has now been recorded foraging for ants in Cecropia trees – far from any bamboo! The Woodpecker was observed drilling holes into the Cecropia to extract ants which live inside the tree – the first time such behaviour has been documented. This observation of novel foraging behaviour in the poorly-studied Rufous-headed Woodpecker occurred in the Sani Reserve, Ecuador.
Authors: Mangini G, Thomas O
Journal: Cotinga
Year: 2020
If you would rather listen to the summary, check out episodes of our micro-podcast, Science Snacks, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts.
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