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These holidays we were lucky enough to travel to a very remote part of Indonesia with an organisation called Operation Wallacea. Operation Wallacea is an environmental research and conservation expedition organisation. Our program took place in the Wakatobi National Park on a tiny island called Hoga. Hoga is located smack bang in the middle of the coral triangle, the most bio diverse coral reef in the world. Over the two weeks we completed the PADI open water scuba diver qualifications and a coral reef ecology course. Using these skills we assisted on reef restoration projects, surveys of the reef and fish population, and of course fun dives.


Photo by Dave Smith


Additionally we participated in science workshops, a beach clean, and had the privilege of visiting a local Bajau village. This visit, for me, was life changing and a true highlight of the experience. These people once lived in boats on open waters until the Indonesian government forced them to settle- giving them no land. There are many Bajau villages dotted around the Wakatobi region, they now live in houses on stilts all of which are disconnected from land. These people are living on less than $10 a day, struggle to get basic medical attention and receive minimal to no education. As a student at Geraldton Grammar I take for granted that our school has whiteboard markers, passionate teachers and running water and electricity. Experiencing these two extremes first hand is something that will stay with me forever.


Photo by Mario Shimbov


We got to work and learn alongside people from all over the world including a former Head of a UN mission to South Sudan, a professor from the University of Essex, master’s and PhD students, research assistants, dive masters and volunteers.

The people we met and the experiences we had were unforgettable. It deepened our understanding of the world, facilitated connections that will last a lifetime and for some sparked an interest in potential future environmental careers.


Title photo by Chantelle Wyatt

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Wallace House, Old Bolingbroke, Spilsby, Lincolnshire PE23 4EX, UK
| +44 (0) 1790 763194 | info@opwall.com